《勞氏國語(普通話)全羅馬化系統》,簡稱《全羅馬 》或 LCRC 。《全羅馬 》只用 26 個英文字母,無需使用漢語拼音的古舊聲調符號,亦不需要漢語拼音額外的 德、法文 字母 ü 和 ê,就能表達整個國語 (普通話) 的全部語音,包括聲調。 《全羅馬 》結構簡單,有完美的一致性,並保留了英語的拼寫習慣,所以易記易學,是目前及將來 世界上最完美的中文學習工具。《全羅馬 》已獲香港政府批核一項25萬元港幣的資助,作為向各國申請專利之用,但勞氏準備有條件開放專利予全球所有非牟利的機構及個人免費使用。
目前壟斷了全球中文學習工具的 漢語拼音系統,問題叢生,整個系統充斥着大量不規則的拼寫,既有一符多音,亦有一音多符,「不一致性」極為嚴重,竟有三份之一的音節,不能依照其拼寫裡基本符號的原定義,拼讀出正確的發音來 ! 漢語拼音利用中國傳統符號來表示聲調,非常不便。 漢語拼音已面世近60年,但至今世上仍沒有任何鍵盤,可以直接打出含聲調的漢語拼音來。 以漢語拼音學習中文,障礙重重而不自知,還以為一切都是必然。 詳情請看本書之簡約版,或完整版之前言及第二、三章。
Lo’s Complete Romanization of Chinese (LCRC) - Using only the 26 letters of the English alphabet, LCRC can express all the speech sounds of Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua), including the four tones of all its syllables. It does this without using pinyin’s traditional Chinese tone marks, nor its special letters ü and ê. Free of all the flaws and drawbacks of pinyin, LCRC is a phonetic system of great simplicity with a high degree of consistency and well-preserved English spelling conventions. It is, for now and in the future, the best tool for the learning and teaching of Chinese. Lo has secured a grant of 250 thousand HK dollars from the Hong Kong Government for applying for patents in various nations of the world, but he plans to make his patents free to use for all non-profit organizations and individuals on certain condition.
For "flaws and drawbacks of pinyin", see Introduction and Appendix of the Abridged Edition, or the Introduction and Chapters 2 and 3 of the Complete Edition.
目前壟斷了全球中文學習工具的 漢語拼音系統,問題叢生,整個系統充斥着大量不規則的拼寫,既有一符多音,亦有一音多符,「不一致性」極為嚴重,竟有三份之一的音節,不能依照其拼寫裡基本符號的原定義,拼讀出正確的發音來 ! 漢語拼音利用中國傳統符號來表示聲調,非常不便。 漢語拼音已面世近60年,但至今世上仍沒有任何鍵盤,可以直接打出含聲調的漢語拼音來。 以漢語拼音學習中文,障礙重重而不自知,還以為一切都是必然。 詳情請看本書之簡約版,或完整版之前言及第二、三章。
Lo’s Complete Romanization of Chinese (LCRC) - Using only the 26 letters of the English alphabet, LCRC can express all the speech sounds of Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua), including the four tones of all its syllables. It does this without using pinyin’s traditional Chinese tone marks, nor its special letters ü and ê. Free of all the flaws and drawbacks of pinyin, LCRC is a phonetic system of great simplicity with a high degree of consistency and well-preserved English spelling conventions. It is, for now and in the future, the best tool for the learning and teaching of Chinese. Lo has secured a grant of 250 thousand HK dollars from the Hong Kong Government for applying for patents in various nations of the world, but he plans to make his patents free to use for all non-profit organizations and individuals on certain condition.
For "flaws and drawbacks of pinyin", see Introduction and Appendix of the Abridged Edition, or the Introduction and Chapters 2 and 3 of the Complete Edition.
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